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Connie Sowa

Youth and Cannabis: The Talk Continues April 20, 2022

In a second, collaborative, regional effort Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education is excited to present Queer and Trans Competency: What’s Weed Got To Do With It? Please join us on Wednesday, April 20th at 4:20pm to learn about rural and urban LGBTQ+ youth perspectives and what words can do to help them feel respected and safe.

Featuring presenters Colleen Kost, Sam Choi, and including the perspective of rural youth, our event offers an alternative activity on a day and time that has historical significance for marijuana use. Engage in a healthy and informative opportunity to come together and consider perspectives of youth so little understood or listened to.

Our goals with regional training events like these are to help us connect with thoughtful, interesting, and informative presentations to better understand and support youth in our communities! Please share the event information with other interested youth and adults. This is a collaboration of public health and social service departments from Grays Harbor, Mason County, Lewis County, Wahkiakum County, and Thurston County as well as Gay City and CHOICE Regional Health Network.

**Review and refresh your understanding from our previous regional training about the impacts of marijuana use on youth with recognized researcher and speaker, Jason Kilmer, PhD, by viewing this video.**

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